
Availability - Our inventory is strategically located in both Antalya and Sakarya Cities / TURKEY, and we have business relations with especially Spain, Italy, Israel, USA and Russia. All your equipment orders will be ready to ship mostly for 15 working days after the confirmation of proforma invoice.
About the dried fruits, due to the fluctuating seasons of most of our offerings for dried fruits, year round availability cannot be guaranteed, however we strive to maintain adequate supply for our customers.

Pricing - Our pricing is based on the markets, therefore pricing fluctuates as the market fluctuates. Most products carry premiums or discounts in reference to the market, referred to as a differential.

Types of Purhasing -
Spot purchasing is the purchase of a product at any point (on the spot) that is subject to availability and market pricing.  This is a first come first serve basis.

Forward Purchasing is the purchase of a product for a future delivery.  This is recommended for buyers who are looking for the best qualities for equipments and  freshest qualities on food products and have a good ability to view their future demands.  This ensures to our clients that the products will be available to them whether or not we have an unexpected surge in demand depleting our spot offerings.

Shipping - Our volume shipments offer us discounts, which we pass on to our clients from our network of truck, ship, and rail logistic companies we use.  We can ship our products to anywhere in the world.

All orders require a 48 hour processing period to ensure that all departments have sufficient time to ensure quality.

Damage or Lost in Transit - It happens at times that during shipment, wooden packages or bags may be torn or slightly damaged.  If you receive your goods that is damaged and there is any loss, be sure to note this on the bill of lading BEFORE signing it with the freight carrier.  Then please contact our offices and we will gladly assist you in the claim process.


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